Unlock the world of whisky with a special offer from SpiritRadar! Use code WHISKYDAY to enjoy a whopping 25% discount on all subscription plans. But act fast – this offer is valid until May 21st only!
The discount must be applied no later than May 21st, when the code expires. Once applied, the discount will last for the whole year, even if you change your subscription plan. Whether you opt for a monthly or annual plan, the savings are yours to enjoy.
Needless to say, you'll achieve maximum savings by ordering an annual plan.
If you're new to SpiritRadar, sign up for the free trial and use the code whiskyday. The discount will automatically apply when you purchase the paid version within the next month.
If you already have an account and plan to pay your subscription by the end of May, enter the code whiskyday in the subscription order form. You can use the discount for reactivations or upgrading your subscription, whether you're moving from Basic to Advanced or switching from monthly to annual billing.
Please Note:
This sale is not automatically activated for existing users and can only be utilized by new customers or existing customers during upgrades (e.g., from Basic to Advanced Subscription Plan or from Monthly to Annual billing).