Update May 2022

Update May 2022

Hello everyone!

Enjoy our monthly newsletter full of exciting news from the SpiritRadar app itself, and the rum and whisky market!

A special big thanks to our valuable customers and rum and whisky enthusiasts for using the app and enjoying it. We also greatly appreciate all of your messages and kind words as well as your feedback!  🥂

Fun Fact

Have you ever been to Australia? And did you know that you could use rum as a currency down under back in the past? It all started around the 90s in the 18th Century, and very shortly after, rum became the most popular currency. 

New bottles and e-commerce sites

We added 323 new whisky and 96 new rum bottles, 74 out of them were added at your request (35 rum, 39 whisky).

This makes an incredible number of 11 228 rum bottles and 45 179 whisky bottles in total, which you can easily find and track in our app. Did not find the one you were looking for? Fill out the form at the bottom of this page.

New bottles that shouldn't go unnoticed.

Don't miss out on these exciting events!

RumFest Prague 10th Anniversary

Martinic Palace, Prague 1
May 21, 2022

The Gin & Rum Festival

The Chocolate Factory, Derby, UK
May 21, 2022

Gin & Rum Festival Switzerland

Eiszentrum, Lucerne, Switzerland
May 20-21, 2022

Taste of Rum, Puerto Rico Rum Festival

Old San Juan - Puerto Rico - Bahía Urbana / Pier 6
May 28, 2022

Fèis Ìle - The Islay Festival

Islay, Scotland
May 27 - June 4, 2022

World Whisky Day

All around the world!
May 21, 2022
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"The next generation data platform for rum and whisky collectors"
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