Blog update January 2023 update January 2023

Hello from the SpiritRadar Team!

Hello to all rum and whisky enthusiasts and our lovely customers! We would like to introduce you to the latest news on SpiritRadar and the rum and whisky market.

We also would like to thank you for all your messages and kind words. We greatly appreciate your feedback, and we are working on lots more improvements for you based on your suggestions and requests.

We do hope you all enjoyed the festive season πŸŽ„ and tried some new bottles of rum and whisky as we did. πŸ₯ƒ

🍾 Happy New Year from the SpiritRadar team. πŸ₯‚ 

What’s new in the app

Search by Auction Name

We added a new search function to the Auctions section. So what does it mean to you? You can find more offers from online auctions compared to using a filter, e.g. brand. It will find even those auctions that still need to be assigned to the product and even auctions of multiple bottles (auctions that we do not count toward the market value). 

New bottles and e-commerce sites

We added 195 new rum and 6 721 new whisky bottles, 94 out of them were added at your request. This makes an incredible number of 11 845 rum bottles and 71 683 whisky bottles in total.  Did not find the bottle you were looking for? Click on β€œReport missing bottle” button.

We also added 8 e-commerce sites. Did not find your favorite e-store? Click on the β€œReport missing store” button.

New bottles that shouldn't go unnoticed.

Don't miss out on these exciting events!

Harrow Whisky Festival

Harrow, UK
January 6 - 7, 2023

Arctic Whiskey Festival

Tromsø, Norway
January 14, 2023

Victoria Whisky Festival

Victoria, Canada
January 19 - 22, 2023

Southport Winter Whisky Festival

Southport, UK
January 20 - 22, 2023

The National Whisky Festival Glasgow

Glasgow, UK
January 21, 2023

Hanse Spirit Trade Fair

Hamburg, Germany
January 26 - 28, 2023

Bergen Whiskey & Beer Festival

Bergen, Norway
January 26 - 28, 2023
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"The next generation data platform for rum and whisky collectors"
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