With our Advanced and Premium subscription, you can unleash the full potential of Spirit Radar - you can browse all offers in the Shopping Tips section!
All of the shop offers we've found fall here. If you want to expand your collection, buy a favourite bottle or try something new, visit our shopping tips section. As elsewhere in the app, you can use our robust filtering to find exactly your desired bottle. The filters in this section are another way to view the complete offer of a particular retailer.
TIP: Use the "Seller country" filter to find a good offer with a reasonable shipping cost.
If you're only interested in limited editions, the Limited/Common filter is at hand.
TIP: You can sort the offers from the best deals. However, we recommend you keep an eye out for suspicious bargains. Always carefully study the detail of the offer in the shop. Sometimes the shop shows the incorrect price or has a problem with the product description; for example, they offer only a small sample.
The second place where you can find bargains is the auction section. Here you can find ongoing auctions of well-known auction portals in one report. You can filter the auctions by auction portals.
If an auction catches your eye, you can add it to your tracking. Spirit Radar will then alert you when an auction is about to end.
You can find eBay among the auctions. For "Buy now" offers visit Shopping tips, the "bidding offers" are in Auctions.
TIP: Before you fall into an overbid fever in the auction, check the current in-stock offers and remember that there is often a fee to pay to the auction house, which is usually around 10% of the winning bid.
If we find an auction with the bottle from your watchlist, we will automatically add it to your tracking.
As you can see, bottle tracking is a significant functionality of Spirit Radar that notifies you of the bottles you are interested in. If you don't watch any bottles, browse your favourite brands and add some bottles to your watchlist.
We'll look at how to tweak notifications and other useful settings in the next part.